Photography for me is a way of sharing love and living the moment. I can only take photos spontanueously, otherwise I find it artificial….I like to capture the inner true self in a person, and I greatly learn about human nature when I see people’s reaction to their own pictures.
When they seem unhappy about what they see, I try to help them accepting and loving themselves unconditionally. When we really love ourselves, we can create a better world around us.
I use karate principles when I shoot pictures. In karate you learn how to catch your opponent without efforts, or at least to minimize it to a level necessary with the right measure.
It is easier to catch your targeted individual at the moment they are dissociated from their consciousness. Same in photography.
When you detached from your brain, I am able to see the real you. The beauty of you, is the moment you detached from your brain. I learned, through my involvement in karate, to identify this precious moment, and that’s the time I pull the trigger.
Therefore, for me there are many similarities between the art of photography and the art of karate: both contain love, acceptance, giving and sharing in order to help the evolvement of human nature.
Amir Eshel
Art, Beauty and Love Magazine Spring 2013 Sold in the Tel Aviv MuseumAmir Eshel, was born in Tel-Aviv. His father was a pioneer in the Israeli diamond industry, and his mother worked with his father, managing the company. Amir went on to create his own successful business in the diamond trade in New York city, where his four children were born.
It was in Los Angeles where Amir earned his 4th degree black belt in karate, studying under the legendary late master Hidetaka Nishiyama, and continues to train daily. In addition, He is a certified Alexander Technique teacher and plays classical piano.
„I feel that by touching many aspects of life, as business, karate, art and music, I have created a spiritual path into my photography world. Clicking the camera’s shutter, I feel the joy of giving and sharing ultimate love.
To live soulful life, is to expose and explore the zones of which we are most afraid, but are the most rewarding ones.“